¿Quiénes somos?

LinProfs¿Quiénes somos?

La Historia LinProfs

LinProfs was set up in 2007 and we have a team of dedicated consultants to support our customers anywhere and anytime. We are committed to an agile, cost-effective, fast and secure IT infrastructure. We strongly believe that IT becomes even more important over time. And for competitive advantage, innovation, growth, and quicker time-to-market is imperative for our customers. For that, we create future-proof infrastructure. LinProfs stands out from the crowd as an IT company with a difference. Our entrepreneurial spirit is dedicated to nurturing our employees' skills and fostering their personal growth. At LinProfs, we embrace an open-minded culture that encourages everyone to excel. Mark Veldhuis, the owner, draws on his experience as a former IT Manager at Ahold NV. Seeing untapped potential in corporate structures and missed growth opportunities for employees, he envisioned a company focused on societal impact and empowering individuals. Recently, we've expanded to Gran Canaria, Spain, offering new job opportunities on the island. With its great offerings and pleasant climate, Gran Canaria is an ideal place for our team to thrive.



100% Equipo de profesionales

Nuestros valores

Confianza mutua

At LinProfs, we believe durable success is built on mutual trust. We take full responsibility for our actions, keep our promises, solve problems, and always aim for the best solutions.


We prioritize our customers and employees. We’re curious, we listen, and we’re interested in the story behind their words: What drives them? What defines their success?

Aprendizaje permanente

At LinProfs, we value mutual trust for lasting success. Our team learns, innovates, and advises based on customer insights. We take responsibility, keep promises, solve problems, and provide transparent options.


Trust is the foundation of our success. Our team continuously learns to provide personalized advice. We take responsibility, solve problems, and ensure transparency to deliver the best outcomes for our customers.


We care

Nos intrigan las historias tanto de nuestros clientes como de sus empleados. Prestamos oídos constantemente y mantenemos la curiosidad por lo que otros tienen que compartir.

We share

Adoptamos el código abierto por sus ventajas universales. Facilita la información compartida, esencial para el control y la adaptabilidad. Nuestras soluciones, ágiles, rentables y seguras, son compatibles tanto con plataformas Multi-Cloud como con entornos locales. Proporcionamos a nuestros clientes y socios una infraestructura preparada para el futuro.

We solve

Los miembros de nuestro equipo están continuamente aprendiendo y formándose, adquiriendo nuevos conocimientos y explorando las últimas soluciones. Esto garantiza que podamos ofrecer a nuestros clientes el mejor asesoramiento posible.


Nuestro Equipo de Expertos


Carina Bosch

Administración y RRHH

Vova Maystruk

Project Manager

Ioana R. Bortes

Recruitment & Marketing Manager

Iulia A. Pana

Cybersecurity & Cloud Engineer

Ruben Six

Cybersecurity & Cloud Engineer

Alex Polsky

Cybersecurity & Cloud Engineer

Nick V. D. Brandhof

Cybersecurity & Cloud Engineer

Casper Kuijper

Cybersecurity & Cloud Engineer

Gestionamos todos los servicios profesionales de TI

Colaborativamente diseñamos cadenas de suministro amigables para el usuario y un imperativo interdepartamental. Fabricamos recursos competitivos y holísticos de manera autoritativa.

  • Experiencia avanzada en infraestructuras
  • Compromiso a medida
  • Asociación sinérgica
  • Independencia imparcial
  • Servicios de alta calidad
  • Fiabilidad

LinProfs es tu aliado en Ciberseguridad y Soluciones en la Nube. Nuestra misión es darte el control sobre tu infraestructura informática en constante cambio.

Driven by our Open Source mentality, we create flexible, cost-effective, fast, and secure infrastructure solutions. We establish future-proof infrastructure for our customers and partners, providing a solid foundation for their businesses and new developments.

As a knowledge-intensive company, we have highly skilled employees in the Netherlands and Spain. We stay updated with the latest technologies. Through official partnerships, we support you in every challenge, ensuring that even the most complex problems can be explained, solved, or advised on.

Adaptando contratos para satisfacer tus necesidades, ofrecemos soporte con monitoreo, actualizaciones, manejo de incidentes/servicio de asistencia, mejoras proactivas y preventivas, desarrollo empresarial, monitoreo de salud y más. Con nuestro Centro de Operaciones de Seguridad, obtienes una visión completa las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, de las amenazas internas y externas.

Asociarte con LinProfs asegura la seguridad de tu TI, preparación para cambios futuros y mantenimiento del control.

¿Tienes el control de tu Ciberseguridad e Infraestructura?

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