Eurocontrol: Enhancing Security and Efficiency with LinProfs


Case Study

Eurocontrol, a pan-European aviation authority, sought to fortify its security measures and streamline operations amidst staffing shortages. Collaborating with LinProfs, the organization embarked on a journey to bolster its infrastructure, with a keen focus on security enhancement and automation implementation.

Refuerzo de la seguridad con LinProfs

Faced with the imperative to enhance security protocols, the aviation authority entrusted LinProfs with the task of implementing robust security hardening measures on their Linux instances. Through meticulous attention to detail and specialized expertise, LinProfs fortified defenses against potential cyber threats, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of critical systems.

Avances en automatización para una mayor eficacia

Recognizing the pivotal role of automation in mitigating errors and optimizing workflows, the collaboration prioritized the integration of automation solutions. Leveraging Ansible, configuration management processes were streamlined, minimizing manual intervention and reducing the likelihood of errors. This strategic approach not only enhanced operational efficiency but also facilitated seamless adaptability to evolving requirements.

Transición a la metodología GitOps

Embracing innovation, Eurocontrol and LinProfs transitioned to a GitOps methodology to refine configuration management. By centralizing changes within Git repositories and automating deployment pipelines, they ensure consistency and reproducibility across the infrastructure. This paradigm shift enables swift adaptation to changing demands while maintaining impeccable configuration integrity.

Soluciones integrales

Además de las iniciativas de seguridad y automatización, LinProfs ha sido fundamental en varios proyectos de Eurocontrol, que abarcan Kubernetes, OpenShift, Splunk, Kafka, Keycloak, HashiCorp Vault, Privileged Access Management y Flux CD. A través de asociaciones de colaboración y soluciones de vanguardia, LinProfs continúa empoderando a Eurocontrol en el logro de sus objetivos de misión crítica.

Mediante la sinergia de la experiencia con la innovación, Eurocontrol y LinProfs han fortificado la infraestructura de Eurocontrol, sentando un precedente de excelencia en seguridad aérea y eficiencia operativa.

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